PdfEdit.Pdf.Advanced NamespaceTerminal Works - PDF Printing.Net Library

Public classPdfCatalog
Represents the catalog dictionary.
Public classPdfContent
Represents the content of a page. PDFEdit supports only one content stream per page. If an imported page has an array of content streams, the streams are concatenated to one single stream.
Public classPdfContents
Represents an array of PDF content streams of a page.
Public classPdfCrossReferenceTable
Represents the cross-reference table of a PDF document. It contains all indirect objects of a document.
Public classPdfDictionaryWithContentStream
Represents a base class for dictionaries with a content stream. Implement IContentStream for use with a content writer.
Public classPdfDictionaryWithContentStreamKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary.
Public classPdfEmbeddedFile
Represent a file stream embedded in the PDF document
Public classPdfEmbeddedFileKeys
Predefined keys of this embedded file.
Public classPdfExtGState
Represents an extended graphics state object.
Public classPdfExtGStateTable
Contains all used ExtGState objects of a document.
Public classPdfFileSpecification
Represent a file stream embedded in the PDF document
Public classPdfFileSpecificationKeys
Predefined keys of this embedded file.
Public classPdfFont
Represents a PDF font.
Public classPdfFontKeys
Predefined keys common to all font dictionaries.
Public classPdfFontDescriptor
A PDF font descriptor specifies metrics and other attributes of a simple font, as distinct from the metrics of individual glyphs.
Public classPdfFontDescriptorKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary.
Public classPdfFormXObject
Represents an external form object (e.g. an imported page).
Public classPdfFormXObjectKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary.
Public classPdfGroupAttributes
Represents a PDF group XObject.
Public classPdfGroupAttributesKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary.
Public classPdfImage
Represents an image.
Public classPdfImageKeys
Common keys for all streams.
Public classPdfInternals
Provides access to the internal document data structures. This class prevents the public interfaces from pollution with to much internal functions.
Public classPdfObjectInternals
Provides access to the internal PDF object data structures. This class prevents the public interfaces from pollution with to much internal functions.
Public classPdfObjectStream
Represents an object stream that contains compressed objects. PDF 1.5.
Public classPdfObjectStreamKeys
Predefined keys common to all font dictionaries.
Public classPdfReference
Represents an indirect reference to a PdfObject.
Public classPdfResources
Represents a PDF resource object.
Public classPdfResourcesKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary.
Public classPdfResourceTable
Base class for FontTable, ImageTable, FormXObjectTable etc.
Public classPdfShading
Represents a shading dictionary.
Public classPdfShadingPattern
Represents a shading pattern dictionary.
Public classPdfSoftMask
Represents a PDF soft mask.
Public classPdfSoftMaskKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary.
Public classPdfTilingPattern
Represents a tiling pattern dictionary.
Public classPdfTransparencyGroupAttributes
Represents a PDF transparency group XObject.
Public classPdfTransparencyGroupAttributesKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary.
Public classPdfXObject
Base class for all PDF external objects.
Public classPdfXObjectKeys
Predefined keys of this dictionary.