PdfCatalog PropertiesTerminal Works - PDF Printing.Net Library

The PdfCatalog type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAcroForm
Gets the AcroForm dictionary of this document.
Public propertyElements
Gets the dictionary containing the elements of this dictionary.
(Inherited from PdfDictionary.)
Public propertyInternals
Gets the PdfInternals object of this document, that grants access to some internal structures which are not part of the public interface of PdfDocument.
(Inherited from PdfObject.)
Public propertyIsIndirect
Indicates whether the object is an indirect object.
(Inherited from PdfObject.)
Public propertyLanguage
Gets or sets the language identifier specifying the natural language for all text in the document. Sample values are 'en-US' for 'English United States' or 'de-DE' for 'deutsch Deutschland' (i.e. 'German Germany').
Public propertyOwner
Gets the PdfDocument this object belongs to.
(Inherited from PdfObject.)
Public propertyPages
Gets the pages collection of this document.
Public propertyReference
Gets the indirect reference of this object. If the value is null, this object is a direct object.
(Inherited from PdfObject.)
Public propertyStream
Gets or sets the PDF stream belonging to this dictionary. Returns null if the dictionary has no stream. To create the stream, call the CreateStream function.
(Inherited from PdfDictionary.)
Public propertyVersion
Get or sets the version of the PDF specification to which the document conforms.
See Also
